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霍尼韦尔Hypalon® 加铅氯丁橡胶手套

Hypalon® 加铅氯丁橡胶手套
•  0.1毫米的铅当量,可衰减软伽玛辐射
•  氯丁橡胶层高度防蒸汽和气体的渗透,同时也有防化作用,包括油,合成油脂,燃
•  Hypalon 外层提供卓越抗臭氧和醇、碱、酸等具有氧化性的化学品的能力。同时对
   人工光照和日光的 UV 照射都有高度防护作用
•  Hypalon 也具有较高的耐磨损性,使用寿命长。
•  不同颜色的氯丁橡胶和铅层(橘红色)让您可以看出手套的损坏和过度使用。
•  白色Hypalon表面不会掩藏污渍,容易清洗。
•  采用溶剂型,多重浸渍过程生产出复合聚合物层( 就像一层层套起来的手套),
•  高拉伸强度,耐意外撕裂。
•  有左右手可互换和左右手特定两种样式。
Glovebox operations in the nuclear and defense industries.
•  0.1 mm lead equivalency for attenuation of soft gamma radiation.
•  Neoprene layer provides high permeation resistance to vapors & gases as well
   as chemical resistance to oils, greases, fuels and acetone.
•  Hypalon outer layer provides superior resistance to ozone and oxidizing
   chemicals such as alcohols, alkalis and acids. Also highly resistant to the effects
   of UV radiation in both artificial light and sunlight.
•  Hypalon also offers improved abrasion resistance, to further extend glove
   service life.
•  Different colored neoprene, lead-loaded (orange) and Hypalon layers provide a
   visual indication of glove damage or excessive wear.
•  White Hypalon surface will not hide contamination and is easily cleaned.
•  Solvent based, multi-dip manufacturing process provides multiple layers of
    polymer (like a glove within a glove) which results in a glove of superior quality.
•  Good tensile strength provides resistance to accidental tears.
•  Ambidextrous and hand specific styles available.

点击次数:2033次 发布时间:2013-03-05 【打印此页】【关闭
上一个产品:霍尼韦尔加铅Hypalon® 材料干箱手套