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霍尼韦尔7600 / 5400 系列 全面罩系列

7600 / 5400 系列 全面罩系列
7600 / 5400 series full mask
• 可与电动送风(PAPR)或供气式(SA)呼吸防护产品配套使用,满足不同防护环境的需求
• 特有口鼻罩最小空气“死腔”设计,避免呼出的二氧化碳被再次吸入,降低使用者的工
• 7600 含金属传音膜设计,可放大作业者音量,保证沟通效果
• 双重面部密封设计,加强面部贴合,保证密封效果,并可满足不同脸型的佩戴需求
• 头部中央固定式设计加强面罩定位效果,在作业者剧烈运动情形下,也能保证完美的贴
• 200度全视野设计,确保使用者在登高或下移过程中视线范围也不会受到影响
• 聚碳酸酯制面屏,符合ANSI高冲击强度需求。使用者无需另外佩戴防护眼镜
7600 系列为100% 硅胶设计。与7700半面罩产品相比,它具有更为卓越的舒适、贴合及
安全性能。如您想选用防护系数比7700 更高的产品,7600 系列全面罩是您最好的选择。
54001系列为一款经济款全面罩。符合NIOSH 标准。它保留了7600 系列的绝大部分性
能,由TPE 热塑弹性体橡胶制成,舒适经济。在防护性能不受影响的前提下,最大程度地
• Can also be used with PAPR or supplied air respirators to fit different using
• With specially designed oral/nasal cup to lessen"dead space" , avoid re-breathing in of
exhaled CO2 and reduce the working fatigue of wearers.
• 7600 also offers a speaking diaphragm to amplify voices and make communication
• Dual facial seal design to offer better seal on the face and satisfy various demands of
different facial types.
• Center-fixing harness on the head enhances the stability which can provide perfect
seal even during vigorous exercises.
• Provides a 200° filed of vision to avoid any visual obstacles during climbing or
• Polycarbonate lens meets ANSI standard for high impact so the users do not have to
wear extra glasses.
7600 series is made of 100% silicone which offers better comfort, fitness and safety
compared with 7700 half mask. If you need a respirator offering higher protection level
than 7700 then 7600 full mask is your optimum choice.
54001 is the economic full mask of North offering which conforms to NIOSH standard. It
keeps most of the features of 7600 and is made of TPE material which reduces the using
costs of users to the most without sacrificing any protection ability.
点击次数:1950次 发布时间:2013-03-04 【打印此页】【关闭
下一个产品:霍尼韦尔Opti-FitTM 硅胶全面罩