霍尼韦尔5211 FFP2舒适型带阀口罩
• 全新的呼气阀门设计,最大程度降低呼气阻力,迅速排除湿气
• With an innovative design to the new exhalation valve which provide the minimal
exhalation resistance and a faster evacuation of the moist exhaled air 上一个产品:霍尼韦尔5210 FFP2舒适型口罩
下一个产品:霍尼韦尔半面罩CFR-1 4200 系列
• With an innovative design to the new exhalation valve which provide the minimal
exhalation resistance and a faster evacuation of the moist exhaled air 上一个产品:霍尼韦尔5210 FFP2舒适型口罩
下一个产品:霍尼韦尔半面罩CFR-1 4200 系列