• 无需揉搓设计,方便佩戴
• 增强的外形设计更贴合耳道
• 表面光滑,对皮肤无刺激
• Patented “no-roll” design is easy to handle and fit
• Contoured shape comfortably matches contours of the ear canal
• Smooth, non-irritating skin provides all-day comfort, easy to clean for longterm use
• B u i lt - in i n s e r t i o n s t e m m a k e s in s ertion quick and easy
频率(赫兹)Frequency/Hz 125 250 500 1000 2000 3150 4000 6300 8000
平均衰减(分贝)Mean Attn.(dB) 26.3 29.0 28.7 31.2 363.3 44.0 45.1 49.1 47.2
标准偏差(分贝)Std. Dev.(dB) 3.3 2.6 2.8 2.5 3.9 3.6 4.4 4.4 3.7 上一个产品:霍尼韦尔抛弃型耳塞Matrix
• 增强的外形设计更贴合耳道
• 表面光滑,对皮肤无刺激
• Patented “no-roll” design is easy to handle and fit
• Contoured shape comfortably matches contours of the ear canal
• Smooth, non-irritating skin provides all-day comfort, easy to clean for longterm use
• B u i lt - in i n s e r t i o n s t e m m a k e s in s ertion quick and easy
频率(赫兹)Frequency/Hz 125 250 500 1000 2000 3150 4000 6300 8000
平均衰减(分贝)Mean Attn.(dB) 26.3 29.0 28.7 31.2 363.3 44.0 45.1 49.1 47.2
标准偏差(分贝)Std. Dev.(dB) 3.3 2.6 2.8 2.5 3.9 3.6 4.4 4.4 3.7 上一个产品:霍尼韦尔抛弃型耳塞Matrix