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霍尼韦尔抛弃型耳塞Bilsom 303

1000106 大号 带线
1005073 大号 不带线
1000107 小号 带线
1005074 小号 不带线

• 在手中摸起来很柔软的发泡耳塞,可能在耳道中产生的压力比硬耳塞更大。
• 快速恢复的发泡耳塞在耳道中施加的压力较小,但是在塞入时,未贴合前便已经恢复原型。
• 理想的发泡耳塞应当介于以上两者之间。
• Bilsom 303 耳塞便是这一理想特性的完美结合。
结合专利技术和优异的制造工艺,Bilsom 303防噪音耳塞更贴合耳道,能够改善长时间配戴的舒适度——适合每个人使用。
• Foam that is very soft to the touch in the hand may exert pressure in the earcanal than a hande erplug
• A fast-recovering foam earplug exert less pressure in the ear c anal, and recovers back to its original shape before being properly fitled into the ear canal
• The ideal foamm earplug sits in the middle of both of these ranges
• The energized Bilsom 303 Energized earplug matches this ideal combinationof mesurable features!

频率(赫兹)Frequency/Hz        125    250   500   1000   2000   3150   4000   6300   8000
平均衰减(分贝)Mean Attn.(dB) 34.4   35     36.2   35.9    36.4    38.9    39.8     42.6    43   
标准偏差(分贝)Std. Dev.(dB)    3.4     4.2    3.8     3.0       2.9      3.0       3.2       4.2      4.1

结合专利技术和优异的制造工艺,Bilsom 303防噪音耳塞更贴合耳道,能够改善长时间配戴的舒适度——适合每个人使用。
Bilsom 300耳塞的新型聚胺酯发泡配方更容易塞入,且一旦正确塞入后,可防止耳塞从耳道滑出——确保最佳的贴合保护。该耳塞表面光
Incorporating patented technology and manufacturing excellence, the energized Bilsom 303 features a better fit in the ear
canal and an increased comfort over long periods of time – everyone benefits!
Typical bullet-shaped earplugs have a tendency to back out of the ear canal due to fast foam expansion during insertion. Utilizing our
material science expertise, the Bilsom 303’s new polyurethane foam formulation is easier to roll-down and, once inserted properly, resists
the tendency to back out of the ear canal – ensuring a tight seal of optimal protection. Its smooth, soil-resistant skin prevents the build-up
of dirt on the earplug, promoting proper hygiene. Plus, two sizes [regular, small] ensure a personalized fit for each employee.
点击次数:7675次 发布时间:2013-03-02 【打印此页】【关闭